In elementary Worship and Sunday School for children in 3s-5th Grade, this week's lesson is ...
God Knows Everything
This is the story of God's covenant with Abram (Abraham.) You can find this lesson in Genesis 15:1-18. Other key verses to review together: Proverbs 3:5a "Trust in the Lord with all your heart" and Jeremiah 29:11a: " 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord."
Some questions you can discuss with your child(ren):
1. How do you think God remembers everything about us?
2. How does it make you feel to know that God knows everything about you?
3. Do you wish you knew everything? Why or why not?
4. How can God help us know what we should know?
5. Why is it important for God to know everything?
6. Why is it difficult for some people to believe that God knows everything? Is it sometimes difficult for you to believe?
7. How can we know what God's plans are for us?
8. How would things be different if God didn't know everything? Why?
9. Since God knows everything, how can we know that he cares for us?
10. How many stars would you guess are in the sky?
11. How do you think Abram felt when God promised that his family would eventually have as many people as there are stars?
12. How do you think God is able to know everything?
13. How would you feel if God told you what he told Abram? Why?
In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night and Sunday morning at 9 a.m. as well as for 4 year olds at 11 a.m., this week's lesson is ...
The Temple, a House for God
You can read more about this lesson in 2 Samuel 5:1-7:17; 1 Kings 5-8 and 2 Chronicles 6:1-11
Some questions to discuss with your child:
1. I wonder how it felt to finally live in the land that God promised and to build a house for God?
2. I wonder what it was like to build the Temple?
3. I wonder who got to help build the Temple and how they did it?
4. I wonder what it felt like to go to the Temple in Jerusalem?
5. I wonder what the people did there and what they remembered when they went to the Temple?
6. Now that the Temple and the Ark are gone, I wonder what the people of God do to be close to God?
In Kindergarten Worship and Wonder at 11 a.m. on Sunday, the children learned ...
Jesus Feeds 5,000 People
You can find this story in Matthew 14:15-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:12-17 and John 6:1-15.
Some questions you can discuss with your child:
1. I wonder how the disciples are feeling about what just happened?
2. I wonder how the crowd feels?
3. I wonder why the crowd thinks Jesus is the Christ?
4. I wonder why the people want to make Jesus their king?
5. I wonder what kind of king Jesus would be?
6. I wonder why Jesus slipped away?
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