Friday, September 28, 2012

Sept 29-30: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Respect Others God’s Way

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of the Ten Commandments continues.

God Gives the Ten Commandments (Part 2)

You can review the story in Exodus 19:16 – 20:21. A great memory verse for your family this week is Matthew 19:18b-19 – “Love your neighbor as yourself”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     How does applause show respect?
2.     How do you show your respect for others—God’s way?
3.     How does receiving respect feel?
4.     How does it make you feel to show respect to others?
5.     Why is it important to respect others?
6.     How do you think Jesus feels when we respect others?
7.     How do you show you’ve forgiven someone?
8.     How is forgiving others a way to respect others God’s way?
9.     When has someone forgiven you and how did it feel?
10.  Why does God what us to respect others?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

The Good Shepherd and the Lost Sheep

Verses for this lesson: Psalm 23 and John 10

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder if the sheep have names?
2.    I wonder if the sheep are happy in this place?
3.    I wonder how many sheep really could live in this place?
4.    I wonder if you have ever had to go through places of danger or were lost and someone found you?
5.    I wonder if you have ever heard the Good Shepherd say your name?
6.    I wonder who these sheep might really be?
7.    I wonder who the Good Shepherd might really be?
8.    I wonder how the Good Shepherd feels about the sheep?
9.  I wonder where this place might really be?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept 22-23: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Put God First

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of the Ten Commandments.

God Gives the Ten Commandments (Part 1)

You can review the story in Exodus 19:16 – 20:21. A great memory verse for your family this week is Deuteronomy 6:5 – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     Why is it important to put God first in our lives?
2.     What are some ways you have seen others put God first?
3.     How can you encourage others to put God first?
4.     How is your day different when you put God first?
5.     When is it hard to put God first?
6.     What can you do to remind you to put God first?
7.     Who are people who remind you to put God first?
8.     How can you remind others to put God first?
9.     If you love God with all your heart, how will that help you put God first?
10.  How do you think God feels when we put him first every day?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

The Good Shepherd

Verses for this lesson: Psalm 23

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder if the sheep have names?
2.    I wonder if the sheep are happy in this place?
3.    I wonder how many sheep really could live in this place?
4.    I wonder if you have ever had to go through places of danger?
5.    I wonder how the sheep feel with the Good Shepherd?
6.    I wonder how the Good Shepherd feels about the sheep?
7.  I wonder where this place might really be?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sept 15-16: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Be Thankful for God’s Patience

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of water from a rock.

God Provides Water

You can review the story in Exodus 17:1-7. A great memory verse for your family this week is Psalm 23:1a – “The Lord is my shepherd”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     Where can you find water?
2.     Do you think Moses was surprised when water came out of a rock?
3.     Do you think the Israelites were patient when they were waiting for water?
4.     In what ways has God been patient with you?
5.     How can you show you are thankful for God’s patience?
6.     Why is it important to thank God for his patience?
7.     Who can you be patient with at home?
8.     Is it hard being patient?
9.     How does it feel when people are patient with you?
10.  How does being patient with others show God’s love to them?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

How the Church Tells Time

Verses for this lesson: Leviticus 23:1-3

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how time could go in a circle?
2.    I wonder how days can have colors?
3.    I wonder what would be my favorite festival?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sept 8-9: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Let’s Discover What God Gives Us

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of manna from heaven.

God Sends Quail and Manna

You can review the story in Exodus 16:1-26. A great memory verse for your family this week is Psalm 23:5 – “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     Can you think of a time you’ve felt really hungry?
2.     How would you feel if you had to rely on what fell from the sky for your food?
3.     What do you think is the best way to discover what God give us?
4.     Why is it sometimes hard to discover what God gives us?
5.     When have you gotten a good gift that you were not expecting?
6.     Why does God give us gifts?
7.     What are some things God has given your family?
8.     What is the most important thing God has given you?
9.     Why did God give us Jesus?
10.  How can you tell others about this good gift?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

The Light

Verses for this lesson: John 8:12

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how so much light could be given away and the Light still be the same?
2.    I wonder how the Light can be in many places at once?
3.    I wonder who is the Light of the world?