Friday, November 9, 2012

Nov 10-11: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Believing in God Changes Your Life

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of spies in Jericho.

Joshua Sends Spies to Jericho

You can review the story in Joshua 2:1-24. A great memory verse for your family this week is Hebrews 11:6a – “And without faith it is impossible to please God”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     Does God change?
2.     Do we change?
3.     How does believing in God change your life?
4.     Have you seen God change someone’s life?
5.     What are some amazing things God is doing in your life?
6.     Why is it important to read the Bible?
7.     Are there things in life you want to get away from?  How can God help you?
8.     How does it make you feel to know that God can change your life if you want him to?
9.     What are some other things you believe in?
10.  How are those like or unlike your belief in God?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

The Temple-A House of God

Verses for this lesson: 2 Samuel 5:1-7:17; 1 Kings 5-8; 2 Chronicles 6:1-11

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how it felt to finally live in the land that God promised and to build a house for God?
2.    I wonder what it was like to build the Temple?
3.    I wonder who got to help build the Temple and how they did it?
4.    I wonder what it felt like to go to the Temple in Jerusalem?
5.    I wonder what the people did there and what they remembered when they went to the Temple?
6.    Now that the Temple and Ark are gone, I wonder what the people of God do to be close to God?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Nov 3-4: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

We Can Make a Difference for God

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of Joshua becoming leader.

Joshua Becomes Leader of Israel

You can review the story in Joshua 1:1-11. A great memory verse for your family this week is Joshua 1:9b – “God will be with you wherever you go”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     God helped Joshua be strong and courageous to make a difference.  How can you make a difference for God?
2.     Who is someone who has made a difference in your life?
3.     How did it make you feel when they made a difference in your life?
4.     Why do you think God wants us to make a difference for him?
5.     How does it make you feel when you make a difference?
6.     How does doing God’s will and having God in your life make you a superhero?
7.     How can telling someone about Jesus make a difference in their life?
8.     How can knowing Bible verses help you make a difference?
9.     How does it feel knowing that God is with you wherever you go?
10.  Do you think everyone needs help at some point in life?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

The Promised Land

Verses for this lesson: Joshua 1 – 4

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how the people felt when Joshua told them to get ready to go into the Promised Land?
2.    I wonder how it felt when god led them through the water into the Promised Land?
3.  I wonder what the people of God will do now that they are in the Promised Land?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Oct 27-28: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Hear God

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of a talking donkey.

Balaam’s Donkey Talks

You can review the story in Numbers 22:1-38. A great memory verse for your family this week is Psalm 66:5 – “Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works In man’s behalf”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     How do you hear God’s voice?
2.     What makes it hard for you to hear God?
3.     How can you focus on God’s voice when you’re distracted?
4.     Why is it important to listen to God?
5.     In what ways do you think God talks to people today?
6.     How can listening to others around you help you learn to listen to God?
7.     It was awesome Balaam could hear God through his donkey.  What awesome things has God done for us?
8.     How do we hear God even though we can’t seem him?
9.     Do you think God wants us to listen to him?
10.  How can you show God that you want to listen to him?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:


Verses for this lesson: Exodus 1:1 – 15:21

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    Now I wonder how it feels to be hungry and not have any food?
2.    I wonder how the parents felt when they didn’t have any food to give their children?
3.    I wonder how it feels if the only way to get food is to be a slave?
4.    I wonder if you have ever been near a place like this, trapped, and someone freed you?
5.    I wonder how they felt when the firstborn of the Egyptians died but death passed over the people of God?
6.    I wonder how it felt to be trapped again?
7.    I wonder how it felt when God led them through the water to freedom?
8.    Now that the people of God are free, I wonder which way they will go?
9.  I wonder how they will know the way?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Oct 20-21: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Stand Up for God

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of spies in the promised land.

Moses Sends Spies Into the Promised Land

You can review the story in Numbers 13:1 – 14:23. A great memory verse for your family this week is 1 Corinthians 15:58a – “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     How would it feel to be a spy?
2.     How do you think the Israelites felt sneaking into a foreign land?
3.     How do you think the spies felt when they found the good fruit?
4.     When the spies told others about this discoveries, why were people afraid?
5.     Do you think it was easy for the spies to stand up for God?
6.     What makes it easy or difficult to stand up for God?
7.     What’s one way you can stand up for God this week?
8.     How can you encourage others to stand up for God?
9.     Have you ever stood up for God?  How?
10.  How do you feel when you stand up for God?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

Abram and Sarai

Verses for this lesson: Genesis 12 and 13

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how Abram and Sarai felt when they were told to move to a new home?
2.    I wonder how it felt to leave their home and not know where they were going?
3.    I wonder if you have ever gone somewhere and didn’t know where you were going?
4.    I wonder how Abram and Sarai felt going through the desert looking for a place to live?
5.    I wonder how they felt when God spoke to them in all these places?
6.    I wonder what God was doing when Abram and Sarai were traveling between these places?
7.    I wonder where God is when you go from place to place?
8.  I wonder how many places God can be?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Oct 13-14: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Work Together for God

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of building the tabernacle.

The Israelites Build the Tabernacle

You can review the story in Exodus 35:4 – 36:38. A great memory verse for your family this week is Colossians 3:17a – “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     How can you work together for God?
2.     How can working together help others know Jesus better?
3.     How can we work together to serve God this week?
4.     How do you think it makes God feel when we work together for him?
5.     How does it make you feel when someone helps you?
6.     How do you feel when you help someone?
7.     What skills and talents do you have that you can use for God?
8.     What are some ways you can speak in the name of Jesus?
9.     Is there any activity you couldn’t do in the name of Jesus?
10.  What would happen if we didn’t work together for God?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:


Verses for this lesson: Genesis 6:9 – 9:29

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how it felt to be in the ark in all that rain?
2.    I wonder what it was like to be surrounded by so much water?
3.    I wonder how it felt to be washed clean and new and to start all over again?
4.    I wonder how God felt about the animal and people in the ark?
5.    I wonder how they felt as they made a special place to talk to God, to say their thanks to God?
6.  I wonder how they felt when they saw the rainbow?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Oct 6-7: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Worship God

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of the golden calf.

The Israelites Worship a Golden Calf

You can review the story in Exodus 32:1-25. A great memory verse for your family this week is Exodus 20:3b – “Have no other gods before me”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     Why do you think the Israelites worshipped a statue instead of God?
2.     Are there different ways to worship God that different but on target?
3.     What are some ways you can worship God at school?
4.     How do you remember to worship God when you have lots to do?
5.     How can you help others worship God?
6.     How is wishing for object like “worshipping” them?
7.     How can you be sure you worship God instead of things?
8.     Do you think God deserves our worship?  Why or why not?
9.     The Bible says God enjoys our praises.  Do you think this is true?
10.  How did you worship God today?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:


Verses for this lesson: Genesis 1:1-2:3

Questions to wonder about with your child:
  1. I wonder what special place you would go to remember God’s gifts of Creation?
  2. I wonder what is your favorite gift of Creation?
  3. I wonder how God feels about his gifts of Creation?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sept 29-30: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Respect Others God’s Way

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of the Ten Commandments continues.

God Gives the Ten Commandments (Part 2)

You can review the story in Exodus 19:16 – 20:21. A great memory verse for your family this week is Matthew 19:18b-19 – “Love your neighbor as yourself”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     How does applause show respect?
2.     How do you show your respect for others—God’s way?
3.     How does receiving respect feel?
4.     How does it make you feel to show respect to others?
5.     Why is it important to respect others?
6.     How do you think Jesus feels when we respect others?
7.     How do you show you’ve forgiven someone?
8.     How is forgiving others a way to respect others God’s way?
9.     When has someone forgiven you and how did it feel?
10.  Why does God what us to respect others?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

The Good Shepherd and the Lost Sheep

Verses for this lesson: Psalm 23 and John 10

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder if the sheep have names?
2.    I wonder if the sheep are happy in this place?
3.    I wonder how many sheep really could live in this place?
4.    I wonder if you have ever had to go through places of danger or were lost and someone found you?
5.    I wonder if you have ever heard the Good Shepherd say your name?
6.    I wonder who these sheep might really be?
7.    I wonder who the Good Shepherd might really be?
8.    I wonder how the Good Shepherd feels about the sheep?
9.  I wonder where this place might really be?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept 22-23: Children’s Sunday School and Wonder and Worship

Put God First

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of the Ten Commandments.

God Gives the Ten Commandments (Part 1)

You can review the story in Exodus 19:16 – 20:21. A great memory verse for your family this week is Deuteronomy 6:5 – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength”

Questions for review with your child:

1.     Why is it important to put God first in our lives?
2.     What are some ways you have seen others put God first?
3.     How can you encourage others to put God first?
4.     How is your day different when you put God first?
5.     When is it hard to put God first?
6.     What can you do to remind you to put God first?
7.     Who are people who remind you to put God first?
8.     How can you remind others to put God first?
9.     If you love God with all your heart, how will that help you put God first?
10.  How do you think God feels when we put him first every day?


In Worship and Wonder on Saturday night, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday, this week’s lesson:

The Good Shepherd

Verses for this lesson: Psalm 23

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder if the sheep have names?
2.    I wonder if the sheep are happy in this place?
3.    I wonder how many sheep really could live in this place?
4.    I wonder if you have ever had to go through places of danger?
5.    I wonder how the sheep feel with the Good Shepherd?
6.    I wonder how the Good Shepherd feels about the sheep?
7.  I wonder where this place might really be?