Friday, December 30, 2011

Dec. 31: Happy New Year – Church is Closed

Jan. 1:  We Can Give Gifts to Jesus

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of the Magi.

Wise Men Find Jesus

You can review the story in Matthew 2:1-12. A great memory verse for your family this week is Psalm 100:5a – “For the Lord Is good and His love endures forever”

Questions for review with your child:

1.    What kinds of gifts do you think Jesus would like to get from us?
2.    If you could give Jesus any gift, what would it be?
3.    What do you think Jesus would say if you gave him that gift?
4.    How does it make you feel to give gifts to others?
5.    Why do you think the wise men gave gifts to Jesus?
6.    What gifts that don’t cost any money can you give to others?
7.    How is showing kindness and honor to someone a way of giving a gift to Jesus?
8.    How do you think Jesus feels when we’re kind to people?
9.    How do you think Jesus feels when we’re not kind to others?
10. What does it mean to love Jesus with our whole heart?


In Worship and Wonder now through Jan. 15, every class (preschoolers on Sat. night, 3s-2nd graders at 9 a.m. Sunday; 3s, 4s and Ks at 11 a.m. Sunday) will be studying the same lesson. This week's lesson:

The Boy Jesus in the Temple

Verses for this lesson: Luke 2:41-52

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how Jesus felt when he was finally old enough to go to the Temple all by himself?
2.    I wonder how Mary and Joseph felt when they couldn’t find Jesus?
3.    I wonder why Jesus was surprised when his parent didn’t know where he was?
4.    I wonder what Jesus really meant when he called this his Father’s house?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Dec. 24 and 25 - Let's Thank God for Jesus

Due to the Christmas Day church service, there will be no Elementary Sunday School . However, please feel free to discuss the following lesson with your children at home.

Faithful People Thank God for Jesus

You can review the story in Luke 2:22-40. A great memory verse for your family this week is Psalm 100:4 - "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name"

Questions for review with your child:
1. What are some things you thank God for each day?
2. What can you do to remember to thank God every day?
3. What can you tell a friend about why you thank God for Jesus?
4. What are the first three "thanks" you'll put in your tank?
5. Why do we thank God for Jesus?
6. Why did God send Jesus?
In Worship and Wonder now through Jan. 15, every class (preschoolers on Sat. night, 3s-2nd graders at 9 a.m. Sunday; 3s, 4s and Ks at 11 a.m. Sunday) will be studying the same lesson. This week's lesson:

The Boy Jesus in the Temple

Verses for this lesson: Luke 2:41-52

Questions to wonder about with your child:
1. I wonder how Jesus felt when he was finally old enough to go to the Temple all by himself?
2. I wonder how Mary and Joseph felt when they couldn't find Jesus?
3. I wonder why Jesus was surprised when his parents didn't know where he was?
4. I wonder what Jesus really meant when he called this his Father's house?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dec. 17 & 18: We Can Serve God

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of Jesus’ birth.

Jesus is Born

You can review the story in Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20. A great memory verse for your family this week is adapted from Luke 2:10b-11 – “I bring great news; Jesus is born”

Questions for review with your child:

1.    What are some ways you have seen others serve God?
2.    How is being nice to our enemies like serving God?
3.    What choices do you think Mary had when the angel spoke to her?
4.    Why might it have been hard for Mary to serve God?
5.    What choices do you have as you consider serving God?
6.    How can God help us make good choices?
7.    What two ways can you serve God this week?
8.    What things can remind you to serve God?
9.    What ways can you thank God for sending Jesus to earth for us?
10. Why do you think God wants us to serve others?
11. Why do you think God wants us to serve him?


In Worship and Wonder now through Jan. 15, every class (preschoolers on Sat. night, 3s-2nd graders at 9 a.m. Sunday; 3s, 4s and Ks at 11 a.m. Sunday) will be studying the same lesson. This week's lesson:

Christmas – Meeting the Christ Child

Verses for this lesson: Matt 1-2 and Luke 1-2

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how it feels to be in Bethlehem?
2.    I wonder how many got to Bethlehem and if they saw the Christ child?
3.    I wonder how they feel about this newborn baby?
4.    I wonder how this little baby is a light to the whole world, a light no darkness can overcome?
5.    I wonder how all these people and animals feel about the baby?
6.    I wonder how Jesus feels about them?
7.    I wonder how God feels?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dec. 10 & 11: Through Jesus, We Can Know God
This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn how God Dwells With Us.

God Dwells With Us

You can review the story in John 1:1-14. A great memory verse for your family this week is John 1:14a "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us"

Questions for review with your child:
1. How can we show others that Jesus is the light of our lives?
2. How can we show Jesus that he is our very best friend?
3. How can Jesus help us see God?
4. What could you do to see Jesus more clearly in your life?
5. How can you show his love more clearly to others?
6. How can we make our friendship with Jesus grow more each day?
7. Jesus wants to know us all! How can we show him that we want to know him too?
8. Through Jesus, we can know God. In what ways does God know you?

The 3s Sunday School (10:00):
Happy Birthday Jesus!  Verses for this lesson: Luke 2:1-7
1. Where did Mary and Joseph travel?
2. What did Mary ride to get there?
3. Where did they stay?
4. What did they use for Jesus' bed?
Craft: Happy Birthday Jesus coloring page; Make a Nativity Scene to take home
The 3rd Grade Sunday School (10:00):
God Dwells With Us  Verses for this lesson: John 1:14
1. What do you think is special about Jesus?
2. What does Jesus mean to you?
We continue to make our ornaments for the annual "Light up the Third Grade Christmas Tree" ceremony that will take place on December 18. This week we will make Nativity Ornaments.
In Worship and Wonder now through Jan. 15, every class (preschoolers on Sat. night, 3s-2nd graders at 9 a.m. Sunday; 3s, 4s and Ks at 11 a.m. Sunday) will be studying the same lesson. This week's lesson is the fourth in the Advent series ...

The Magi Show the Way to Bethlehem

Verses for this lesson: Matt 1-2 and Luke 1-2

Questions to wonder about with your child:
1. I wonder how the Magi felt when they saw the special star for the King?
2. I wonder how they knew the star was special and others just saw a star?
3. I wonder if it was hard for them to find the special King?
4. I wonder why the Magi brought gifts?
5. I wonder what it's like to be a baby and a king?
6. I wonder what kind of king God's special one will be, and if you would like to live under this special king's rule?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dec. 3 & 4: We Can Help Others Meet Jesus

This Weekend in MC Park, in Sunday School (4s through 5th) and Elementary Worship, your child will learn about the story of John the Baptist.

John the Baptist Prepares the Way for Jesus

You can review the story in Mark 1:1-8. A great memory verse for your family this week is Psalm 51:10a—“Create in me a pure heart, O God”

Questions for review with your child:

1.    What messages can you think of to tell others about Jesus’ love?
2.    Why do you think John the Baptist was supposed to “make straight paths” for Jesus?
3.    How can we “make straight paths” for Jesus, too?
4.    Who are two people you’d like to help meet Jesus?
5.    Why do you think God wants us to tell others about his Son, Jesus?
6.    Why does everyone need Jesus in his or her life?
7.    Why should the world be joyful about Jesus coming?
8.    Why is a joyful attitude so important when we are trying to tell others about Jesus?
9.    How can we get ready for Jesus?
10. How can we help others get ready for Jesus?
11. Why is it so important for us to get ready for Jesus?


The 3s Sunday School (10:00):

Surprise! Angels Visit Mary and Joseph

Verses for this lesson: Luke 1:30-31 and Matthew 1:20-21

1.    Why did the angels visit Mary and Joseph?
2.    How did Mary and Joseph feel to meet angels?
3.    How would you feel to be visited by angels?


In Worship and Wonder now through Jan. 15, every class (preschoolers on Sat. night, 3s-2nd graders at 9 a.m. Sunday; 3s, 4s and Ks at 11 a.m. Sunday) will be studying the same lesson. This week's lesson is the third in the Advent series ...

The Shepherds Show the Way to Bethlehem

Verses for this lesson: Matt 1-2 and Luke 1-2

Questions to wonder about with your child:

1.    I wonder how the shepherds felt when angels spoke to them?
2.    I wonder how they felt on the way to Bethlehem?
3.    I wonder if they will find the Savior, God’s special child named Jesus?
4.    I wonder what will happen when they find Jesus?